Much Better Adventures

MBA work with selected local experts to craft life-changing adventures. All the logistics are sorted so you can just show up and have a blast in the wild with good people. I was Lead Designer for around 3 years until 2020.
Collaborate with the tech & marketing teams to design new features or improve existing ones to drive sales & growth

Provide brand & art direction updates, building a library of reusable assets to support the marketing team’s activities

Collaborate with Product to research & identify opportunities to improve sales
Scope of Activities
Brand Direction
Art Direction
Ethnographic Research on trips
User Interviews & Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Wireframing & Prototyping
Custom icon library
High-fidelity UI design
WordPress theme design & deployment for content site

User Experience Design

Collaborating with the product, sales, and content teams I redesigned the product page to cater for a small, curated collection of trips. Our focus was on increasing conversion through compelling content and reducing the burden on customer service teams by providing close to 100% of available information.

The challenge here was to provide a gut-level feeling of what the experience might be like alongside all the important details that a potential customer may need to know before deciding to commit to a booking.

Brand Updates

I developed illustrated content to match the brand’s adventurous spirit. Hand-drawn elements were both quick to produce and spoke to the DIY, one-of-a-kind nature of a true adventure.

Templates were created so that type and graphics could be combined in different ways without the need for bespoke creative for every campaign or message.


UX & Marketing design improvements were instrumental in sales doubling the first year I joined MBA. They then quadrupled the next year.
Design improvements were an important component of a crowdfunding £1.2m raise which closed in under 24 hours.